Occupational Therapy’s Role in School-Based Positive Mental Health Initiatives


Course Description

Course Description:

This course is intended for occupational therapy practitioners with interest in expanding school-based practice to include positive mental health program involvement. Occupational Therapy’s Role in School-Based Positive Mental Health Initiatives will explore positive mental health as a preventative approach to the various mental health concerns and crises that are plaguing schools in a post-COVID world. Positive mental health theory and principle will be explored to establish foundational knowledge. Trends in existing school culture, guidelines, and services that impact occupational therapy’s role in positive mental health involvement will be examined to establish the need for OT involvement. Identification of advocacy and promotion opportunities to emphasize occupational therapy’s distinct contribution to positive mental health initiatives will be evaluated. Appraisal of existing programs and development of potential positive mental health programs will be applied through case study exploration. Practical strategies will be offered to improve confidence, skills, and resources for those OTPs who wish to become an integral part of school positive mental health programming. 

Contact Hours: 3
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Essential